What’s Up with School Wellness: Putting Physical Activity Policies into Practice
Thursday, June 22, 1:00pm – 1:50pm ET
In this coffee chat hosted by the CHOICES Community of Practice, Nicole Good, School Wellness Specialist at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, shared how wellness policies can support implementation of evidence-based physical activity policies and programs. Nicole provided a brief overview of wellness policy requirements and highlight best practices for moving physical activity policies into practice. Participants also learned about the role of school wellness policies in promoting physical activity and identify key partner organizations and data needed to inform their development.
Download the June 2023 coffee chat resource round-up
Download the June 2023 coffee chat presentation slides
This event is part of our monthly CHOICES Community of Practice coffee chat series. This coffee chat is for any public health professional whose work focuses on advancing obesity prevention, healthy eating, and active living and want to learn more about how cost-effectiveness analysis can advance their efforts and address health equity.