Strengthening Partnerships to Improve Child Health
Thursday, October 27, 1:00pm – 1:50pm ET
In this coffee chat hosted by the CHOICES Community of Practice, Hannah E. Hardy, Manager of the Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention Program at the Allegheny County Health Department, shared her experiences with engaging community partners to improve child health in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The Allegheny County Health Department identified promoting healthy weight among school-aged children as a key objective in their Community Health Improvement Plan. Hannah discusses how her health agency used a cost-effectiveness analysis framework and tools to engage partners in identifying and prioritizing strategic opportunities for action to improve healthy eating and physical activity for children in their community.
This event is part of our monthly CHOICES Community of Practice coffee chat series. This coffee chat is for any public health professional whose work focuses on advancing obesity prevention, healthy eating, and active living and want to learn more about how cost-effectiveness analysis can advance their efforts and address health equity.