The CHOICES Learning Collaborative Partnership aims to build capacity among local decision-makers to choose and implement cost-effective obesity prevention strategies.
Reducing childhood obesity rates in the U.S. will require well implemented, cost-effective interventions across multiple sectors at national, state, and local levels. Through a year-long partnership with the CHOICES project and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), three state health departments—the Washington State Department of Health, the Mississippi State Department of Health, and the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources—are applying cost-effectiveness analysis to assess current or proposed obesity prevention strategies in their communities.
Over the course of the partnership, a series of learning collaborative sessions hosted by CHOICES and ASTHO is providing state teams with the training and tools necessary to apply cost-effectiveness analysis to their selected interventions. Along with identifying or collecting data relevant to their interventions, states will also share tools, resources, and best practices with other partners throughout the process. The CHOICES team will provide technical assistance in evaluating each intervention’s effectiveness, implementation cost, cost-effectiveness, and impact on obesity rates, population health, and health disparities.
Though the strategies analyzed and developed may differ from state to state, the partners share the common goal of ensuring more children have healthier years ahead by investing in cost-effective obesity interventions. The partnership aims to build each state’s capacity to apply CHOICES Project tools and processes now and in the future to inform decision making, strategic planning, and tactical intervention implementation.