On November 4, 2015, Dr. Steve Gortmaker will be moderating a panel discussion featuring CHOICES researchers, titled “Identifying Cost-Effective Nutrition Policies to Reduce the Childhood Obesity Epidemic.”
In recent years, policymakers at local, state, and national levels have implemented nutrition policy changes across a broad range of programs and settings and sectors to reduce childhood obesity and improve nutrition across the lifespan. However, there is limited research that estimates the effectiveness and population impact on childhood obesity of enacted or new policies. Policymakers also need information on the feasibility, cost, potential healthcare cost savings and cost effectiveness of a range of policies to identify and prioritize the most cost-effective nutrition policy approaches to reverse the childhood obesity epidemic.
Using results of evidence reviews, costing and new microsimulation methods, this panel proposes to present cost-effectiveness estimates for 10 nutrition policies and a case study demonstrating data needs and methods to adapt the model to meet the needs of public health stakeholders in a specific state.
Session Objectives:
- Evaluate the potential impact of existing and proposed nutrition policies on reducing the childhood obesity epidemic
- Compare the cost-effectiveness of a broad range of nutrition policy approaches
- Discuss the opportunities and challenges of adapting national cost-effectiveness models to state and local policy contexts
Presentation Schedule:
[Full details on the APHA site]
- 8:30 a.m. CT
Cost-effectiveness of government nutrition assistance program policies in childhood obesity prevention - 8:50 a.m. CT
Cost-effectiveness of school, early child care and afterschool based nutrition policies and programs to prevent obesity - 9:10 a.m CT
Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Nutrition Policies to Reduce the Obesogenic Effects of Restaurant and Fast Food Intake - 9:30 a.m. CT
Estimating State-level Cost-effectiveness of a Sugar-sweetened Beverage Excise Tax